FeMail XX Project is a global initiative to promote the art work of FeMail-XX Artists, or to be concise, XX Chromosome born females, the word "femail" being used as a pun on a principal target group of this site: women whom use the postal service as a vehicle by which to generate, send, and recieve art. However this project seeks to promote all XX chromosome-born women artists that have ever produced artwork, not just postal artists. And of course we hope to enhance the lives of those women whom are alive now; especially contemporary women artists working in conceptual art domains which include but are not limited to: post-dada, post-fluxus, interMEDIA performance, imMEDIAte-networked performance and what might be called 'avant'. This type of work is germaine to what is significant in the current model of what is cutting-edge within the historical art canon. In 20th and 21st century art, it was innovative XX chromosome born artists who frequently led the way. And this can be demonstrated. This project has great hopes to undertake the presentation and dissertation of the evidence for this claim. The project's motto is to XXplore, XXhume, XXamine, XXpose, XXhibit, and XXhort the work of FeMail XX Artists to promote to the world and those invested in art that women are equal to the genius and value previously reserved for men. We ask for everybody's help and support in this goal, no matter what your chromosome or gender identity, but it is XX chromosome born artists the FeMail XX Project serves!